Friday, July 6, 2012

The Biography of an Unknown

I've been trying to work on a story for awhile, graphic novel or novella not yet sure, that's an autobiography about my self and the bands but I keep getting stuck. Its hard to write about people who are real and still living. And every time I try to come up with a plot, it's really boring.
Recently though I discovered Alexander Masters and both his books "Stewart: A Life Backwards" and "Simon The Genius in My Basement". Both are about homeless people Alexander has come across, who they are, what their lives are like, how they came to their misfortune. Mostly though its arguments between them and him about how the book is coming along. I'm still reading Simon and found this quote that I think helps out with my writersblock.
"The reason that a biography of an unknown person cannot about reality, is because the reader will fall asleep. Reality is too bland. An ordinary person doesn't have the dramatic and universally appreciated facts of the famous to rely on. They've only got the oddness and power of their character. So, a biography of the unknown has to be a biographer's effort to interpret facts, his impression of the facts-what has been done to the facts by his brain. It's about one person's mumbled attempts vaguely to interpret what they dimly think they might have seen on a misty day in another person's possible behavior, but which they quite possibly haven't; and any biographer who put pen to paper claiming his motives are objectivity and truth is a fraud. Biography is not mathematics." -Alexander Masters

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